Weekly Threat Report 3rd July 2020

The NCSC’s weekly threat report is drawn from recent open source reporting.

Unauthorised Data Sharing

A survey from data discovery and auditing software vendor Netwrix has revealed that inappropriate data sharing continues to be a problem for companies and businesses. The research shows that whilst most companies store their data in designated secure storage, there is still a risk of it leaking into insecure areas.

Data leaking is likely to occur when employees have not followed security policies and procedures, where they have been implemented. The survey found that many companies don’t keep tabs on user data access privileges, making it harder to track data sharing.

NCSC recommends that organisations understand and catalogue the data they hold and for what purpose. Classification systems may be used to manage the appropriate handling of data and support the audit of user access to sensitive information. Organisations should also ensure that users receive appropriate training for handling sensitive data, and that systems are fit for purpose.

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